Wednesday, 23 November 2011

I'm still here - just

Well blimey moses where has the flippin time gone?  The last month has passed in a blur of plaster dust and muck from the new kitchen. ( All units fitted, appliances in and just painting and tiling left. I said it would be Christmas before it would be finished)  And not one but two doses of flu.  I never did do things by halves.  One dose started about 3 weeks ago.  Sore throat, hacking cough, well you know how it is, but this particular strain is not satisfied with just one visitation, oh no.  Feeling on the mend for a few days and back to normal - well normalish when wallop the ruddy thing turns up for an encore.

On a brighter note Mother's recovery continues apace.  When we went up to Colchester for BIL's funeral we left her up with my sister for a bit of R and R.  She's been back down in Devon for a fortnight and she is really doing well.  So well in fact that this morning she took herself off in a taxi and did her own shopping.  I'm well impreseed and hope that I'll bounce back as well when I hit 87!!

I'm currently struggling with paint charts and tiles.  I do love duck egg blue especially in a kitchen but the room faces due north and gets very little sun. It's a largish room with two big windows but it's never sunny.  So do I go for duck egg walls and cream tiles and woodwork, or the other way round to inject a bit of warmth.  Watch this space.